Llista de publicacions extreta de DBLP(Digital Bibliography & Library Project), lloc web de referència pel que fa a les publicacions més rellevants de la nostra àrea de recerca.
A Kalman filter approach for exploiting bluetooth traffic data when estimating time-dependent OD matrices
Robustness and computational efficiency of a Kalman Filter estimator of time-dependent origin-destination matrices: exploiting ICT traffic measurements from information and communications technologies
Making real-time fleet management decisions under time dependent conditions in urban freight distribution
LITHE: An Agile Methodology for Human-Centric Model-Based Systems Engineering
A dynamic estimation of passenger OD matrices based on space-state models
Enhanced Benders Decomposition applied to a model of network topology design and frequency setting for rapid transit systems
A path-based congested transit assignment algorithm, a simplified dynamic model and its application to the Bus-Bridging problem
Robust infrastructure design in rapid transit rail system
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Modelització i Processament de la Informació. IMP | +34 93 413 7896 | c/ Jordi Girona, 1-3. Edifici Omega. Despatx 132. 08034 Barcelona | imp.info@upc.edu | Sobre aquest web