ELASTIC: specification, verification and simulation of models for ICT servitization


During last decades, the world has shifted from an Industrial Society to an Information Society in a globalized world. However, although information still plays a dominant role at the present moment, we are currently experiencing a new transformation: from the Information Society to the Society of Services. As a consequence, and in order to remain competitive, companies must adapt their process and business models to this new reality. However, and despite the economic importance of the service sector and its progressive “servitization”, there is a significant gap in terms of professionalization of the sector.

The main goal of the ELASTIC project is to propose a methodology, lightweight and based on models, to systematize the process of servitization, a problem faced by organizations when dealing with a shift in their business focus, from a traditional product-oriented organization to a modern organization focused on services. The solution is expected to be applicable to any service organization but in this project we will focus mainly on ICT servitization.

January, 2015 to December, 2017
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Lead Researchers 
Alessandro Mosca
Guillem Rull